Month: February 2013

  • Me At Age 25

    This is in response to a post by lightnindan, An Angel Looks Like What?.  The age he gave me was 25.

    The years was 1988.  At age 25, I had been married for 3 years and was working as a security guard at a private company.  Late in the year, I took a job as a corrections officer.  This is what first got me to move from my home town.  The years since have changed me so much that I hardly recognize my younger self.

  • Stuck!!!

    I live in Wisconsin.  We got a ton of snow on January 30, and went out to use the library internet and do some things anyway.  After our final errand we headed home. To shorten our drive, we cut through the lot of the resort I work at in Summer.  Almost out the back of the lot, I felt the van slide and said, “We’re going in!”, and we did, taking out the “One Way, Do Not Enter” sign as we went.  I called the front desk and they said they didn’t have anyone to send to help us.  We thought we were screwed, but luckily the owner came in and recognized me as an employee.  I told him what the desk had said about nobody being available, but he said, “I’ll get someone.”  He had someone there with a truck in like two minutes to pull us out.