Month: May 2013

  • Sterilization For Human Betterment


    The video above is disturbing.  The scariest part, to me, is there are even today people with advanced educations and holding positions which have great influence over American policy, who think this is a good idea!!!

  • What is your earliest memory? How old were you at the time?

        My first memories are of things that happened when I was about 3 years old.  I was a foster child for a time before being adopted into the family that I spent most of my life with, and still am a part of.  My foster parents were loving people, but wanted to keep me as a baby, so they purposely didn’t teach me how to do things for myself. 
    I remember standing at the top of a stairway, wanting to go down, but not knowing how. 

    When I visited the home of my soon-to-be family they gave me a toy dog that moved. Its feet had wheels; when you pulled the string attached to his head & front legs, his slinky body pulled his back end along behind.  I’m told that my bossy foster sister broke it when I took it home.
    The first thing when they picked me up to live with them, my new parents took us out for ice cream to celebrate.  My memory is of sitting at the counter, looking at that ice cream, and wanting some.  My parents thought I didn’t eat because I was nervous, or excited.  The truth was, I had never been taught how to use a spoon or other utensils, because my foster mother wanted to feed me.  I’m told that soon after that, my grandmother on my Mom’s side taught me how to use a spoon.